Wiki Borders

I've been following up on the whole Wikileaks hungama and every time I read anything I wish I was back in Uni. All those subjects about borderless worlds, that cross nationalities and various other traditional structures such as age, race, gender and all those debates stick to the back of my mind like a moving screen wallpaper.

It was predicted, by someone I can't remember that the importance that we associate to the categories I have mentioned above is being eroded and things like literacy and fluency in written languages are the new definitions or demographic titles. And today, nearly four years after I graduated (a semi student of media), it's come a-knocking again. It cannot be ignored.

I'm happy to say I was on the side and still am on the side that believes in the knowledge gap as opposed to the gender gap when it comes to new age media wars. Sure, at a cultural level, if in a society that favors education of male children above the education of a female child, that would cascade to an all knowing literate knowledgeable male population. But on the internet, unless I'm on a dating site, my gender nor my age and certainly my race really doesn't matter, does it?

Would you think I'm talking crap because I'm a chick?

That being said, this whole Wikileaks thing is so exciting... It's strange to see the American government scrabbling around to try and get their hands on Assange. What with all their nonsense on the freedom of speech and what not. Sure, it's like your mum reading your diary and then having it published so that all your relatives, crushes and classmates read your silly, dirty and naughty thoughts. A bit sly and agreed, a bit cheap.

But why America's screwing with Assage (the publisher) and not the one who leaked the documents (Mum) is beyond me. And then we have this amazing power that the internet holds to bring people together. Like the anonymous hackers who have been targetting sites that have withdrawn their services- paypal, mastercard, amazon... I think, when Sun Tzu wrote The Art of War, if he would've ever imagined a war like this.

A war in which the world is divided into halves based on opinion, a war fought not out in the battlefields but in the comfort of homes, in front of computers. A war with no bloodshed, but dollars lost *ka ching! A war with anonymous heroes not fighting for glory or honour but fighting to have a choice.

Ahhhh I think we have stumbled onto something new folks, something much much much more comforting (cause I don't own a business, and the most precious things I have on the net are my blog and my Facebook account). This war, I like!


Purba said…
Fighting to have a choice..lingered as I finished reading your delightful post.

But the Assange saga has an uncanny similarity to Steig Larsson's protagonists- Liz Salander and
Blomkvist. Read his trilogy?
Saro said…
I haven't but in the process of googling it right now..

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