Getting there
The last post wasn't meant for anyone.. just random thoughts inspired by fellow roomie.. and this one too.. not meant for any one in particular, inspired by a fren.. sorry if this causes u any offense..
U don't argue with someone who won't listen
U don't argue with someone who won't listen
- someone who is on the defensive
- someone who wants to win
- someone who isn't going to understand u anyways
- someone who won't consider
- someone who thinks they're right, regardless
- someone who says they can't read you~ they dont know u then
U don't worry about what u cant change
- what is not in your hands
- what you don't feel inclined towards
- what is really someone else's probem
U let go of things that aren't worth fighting for
- things that seems so cloudy
- things that compromise who you think you are
- ppl who are just too hard for you to keep
- ppl who don't do ne good for you
- ppl who have moved on
- ppl who don't respect you
- ppl who u can't change
- ppl who couldn't care less abt u
- ppl you dislike anyways
- ppl whose company u don't feel inclined towards
- ppl you only hurt, hinder or don't think u do ne good for ne more
And saying i trust u to someone doesn't cut it, it's an honour bt the question really to ask, if if they trust you or not.
And saying deal with it means one thing~ "end of conversation. Stuff what u have to say up you arse, coz really i couldn't care less about this issue. And remember it too, so if someone were to ask what went up your ass and died, u have an answer. And then the obvious, deal with it, get it, understand it..
- don't complain,
- don't whine,
- don't feel self pity,
- don't cry,
- don't show how u feel,
- don't compromise,
- don't 'discuss',
- don't argue.... "
Cz doing any of that isn't going to change squat~ cz ur meant to deal with it.