Gang Rape- Delhi Protest- Bangalore Gathering


Let us end the Violence Against Women.
Its time you step out. Its better to come out against the perpetrators now, than to be a victim later.

Step out on the streets. Come together. Unleash your latent power.

Make sure that you end the years long repression that has degraded the society. You can be a homemaker, a student, a professional, just anyone who has ever wanted to end this ordeal.

It's time.


Step out. Wear Orange. Show your power.

Please please share the event and invite everyone you can. We expect amazing participation.



Koyal said…
Yes Death for the rapist!! Come on everyone.I am on my way to protest
Saro said…
Hi Sunita, thank you for your comment :)
nitisha bose said…
Please let us know if any other protest march has been taken tommorow in bangalore...
Saro said…
I will definitely let you know, just a heads up- please find

This group can keep you updated on any events organized around the country by the group specifically. Hope this helps
Saro said…
I will definitely let you know, just a heads up- please find

This group can keep you updated on any events organized around the country by the group specifically. Hope this helps
nitisha bose said…
Thanks Saro.
lets plan something very soon.
Jack said…

Hope this pressure for change in not only police working or legal system but also major change in mindset of society is kept up to remove gender discrimination.

Take care

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