What If
This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 7; the seventh edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
What if that match never struck, and the fires did not leap from the burner to catch on to your person and burn yo
u down to the ground. Would you be the mother of three, owner of a house, wife of an innocent man?
Would I be the man that I am today, fighting myself inside bars, inspecting the thoughts that made me set the stage for your demise, for a little extra money, and a little extra pride?
That I now know, that you would, have done anything in your power to live the life you were lead to by a man matching stars and reading fates, does not mean, I can undo what I have done.
But I feel the example that I set and fate that I met, perhaps challenges daily those many men that think they can get away with that small inconvenience, called the poor wife.
I do hope you are well were you are, and that maybe in a different world, we could have that second chance to make it work.
What if that match never struck, and the fires did not leap from the burner to catch on to your person and burn yo

Would I be the man that I am today, fighting myself inside bars, inspecting the thoughts that made me set the stage for your demise, for a little extra money, and a little extra pride?
That I now know, that you would, have done anything in your power to live the life you were lead to by a man matching stars and reading fates, does not mean, I can undo what I have done.
But I feel the example that I set and fate that I met, perhaps challenges daily those many men that think they can get away with that small inconvenience, called the poor wife.
I do hope you are well were you are, and that maybe in a different world, we could have that second chance to make it work.
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
and also a very good cause that you are highlighting....
this is a superb expression on a major topic of concern to women..And I feel the style of writing is good too..theres a certain poetic flow to it that kept me reading on!!
Good post.
gr8 work....
All the best for BATOM 7!!
Liked it gal!
If all women say "NO" to Dowry...things would surely have been different.
Unfortunately though, I think that the law now can also be abused, to bias the man, by unscrupulous brides and their families.